ASSET is the first program in the nation to offer a transition to teaching (T2T) license add-on option in special education through a state director of special education’s association (ICASE).

What is ASSET?

ASSET is an approved alternative licensure program through the Indiana Department of Education and Indiana State Board of Education. ASSET falls under the Transition to Teaching umbrella, but does nto award an initial teaching license.

Who is eligible?

Currently LICENSED Indiana educators (does not matter what area). The ICASE sponsored program is for currently licensed Indiana educators to be able add a special education teaching credential.

What is the cost?

There is no direct cost to participate in ASSET as a T2T program. Associated costs would include a classroom sub for monthly meetings, mileage, lunch, lodging, and additional contract days for bootcamp.

How does it work?

The format for ASSET is an eleven month intensive study program in content and pedagogy that is aligned to the CEC standards, and also allows for local practice opportunities and skills development. Candidates will participate in monthly virtual meetings as well as a 2-day intensive training (“bootcamp”) series. The intensive series will be in person.

Presented by

The Indiana Council of Administrators of Special Education (ICASE) logo
Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) logo

How do I sign up?