Dr. Jay Arthur is a lifetime educational leader from the midwest with an ongoing mission to improve the tenants of leadership among everyone he meets. He has worked in multiple school districts through various leadership positions with his most recent accomplishments coming from his work as a Director of Special Services, Director of Student Services and District Superintendent respectively. He additionally dedicates a great deal of his spare time to state-wide 4-H activities, he is a former 10 year member, now lifetime volunteer, for which he credits much of his early leadership training.

He holds a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Curriculum Studies from Indiana University, a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from Ball State University, has successfully completed the graduate licensure program for the Director of Special Services through Indiana University and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education from Ball State University. He project managed a state wide software program which began the transition for moving the entire state to an electronic IEP system. He advanced a public school district’s continuum of programs and supports into one that led the way in the state for students with disabilities for more than a decade. He implemented a school-wide safety initiative as a Superintendent that will positively impact and protect lives for many decades into the future. Dr. Arthur has a unique and eclectic set of attributes stemming from the different areas of education he has supported over the last two decades.

During his tenure as both a Director and Superintendent he had to navigate tough educational issues requiring strong teams and focused problem solving. Communication is an art for Dr. Arthur and he can often put complex matters into very understandable terms so solutions can be sought through common language. These tremendous communication abilities also allow him to connect with various audiences he finds himself leading. Additionally, another of his best attributes is building teams that work well together to achieve the goals ahead of them. This spans several areas of central office work and various projects over the years leading to better results for students.

Dr. Arthur professes regularly that if decisions are made based upon student needs, the rest will work itself out. He also lives by the adage, “Do the right thing; Treat people right!”

In his spare time Dr. Arthur enjoys spending time with his family, friends and two Jack Russell Terriers. He is an avid health enthusiast when it comes to running, cycling, swimming and lifting. These are all activities he credits for keeping his energy up, stress in check and his brain sharp. His mind never stops as he is always looking for ways to improve the conditions for the students and families he serves.

In image of Dr. Jay Arthur, Founder and CEO of Imperative Leadership.

Jay Arthur – Founder, CEO

Who is Imperative Leadership For?

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About [Insert Name of Online Course System]

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Illustration of an online meeting scheduling system.

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